Hi, I’m Steph and I’m a human being.

That has been my default answer to the question “Who am I?”. I’m a human being that finds meaning in life through living it. I have many interests and my curiosity has driven me to explore lots of them. From yoga to triathlons, from chemistry to spirituality and everything in between. My life has been about integrating my interests, blending them, and mixing them up.

I believe that wisdom comes when you combine knowledge and experience to create an inner understanding that has a life of its own. That has led me to study, read, observe, ask questions and approach things in my own way.

I grew up in Argentina and, since I was a kid, I had this urge to understand how and why things happen, from the simplest to the most complex, noticing patterns. I studied Chemistry and Food Technology, breaking down things into the smallest known units, only to realise that from micro to macro, everything is interconnected.

Travelling the world has opened my eyes to different ways of living. I learned that no matter how different we are, we all suffer and rejoice for the same things because we are all human. We are all uniquely gifted, and life is about exploring and sharing that gift.

My (current) purpose is to reconnect people to their authenticity, help them grow in awareness and contribute to the world from the inside out. I can list a bunch of qualifications like Certified Holistic Life & Nutrition Coach, Mind-Body Practitioner, MBSR, or tell you about my burnouts and how I got through them, yet I feel I am much more than that. I am my life, every bit of it, and I shape it as I go.

If you made it to this paragraph and want to know more, get in touch and ask away (and tell me about you too!).

if an image is worth 1,000 words, here are 10,000 words about me

I’d love to help you reconnect to what gives your life meaning. Leave the curiosity and integration to me, all you need to bring is yourself.